
Athlete’s Guide

XTERRA Tremblant 2024



Thank you for taking part in the fifth edition of XTERRA Tremblant.

The bike courses for the standard and sprint triathlon and duathlon are now marked and accessible. For those wishing to train on the courses, head towards the lake and you’ll easily find the directions.

The run courses are available online.

Thank you to all our partners and to our dedicated and valued volunteers and collaborators.

Welcome and enjoy the event!

The organizing committee
XTERRA Tremblant


There will be a pre-race meeting on Saturday June 8 at 12:45pm directly on the Domaine Saint-Bernard site for all participants in the Sunday triathlon events.

We very strongly recommend that you attend this meeting, as the meeting just before the start will be very brief and concise.

On the morning of the start for Sunday’s events, we will only give a few brief safety instructions, there will be no course explanations or question period just before the start.

We will give the details and answer your questions in French and English only on Saturday June 8 at the on-site meeting.

Directions to get here

Domaine Saint-Bernard

539, Chemin St-Bernard, Mont-Tremblant, QC J8E 1T4 (link Google maps)


Parking and access information

A large parking lot will be available directly on site, for both participants and spectators.

Le domaine St-Bernard does not charge for parking but does ask that each accompanying person pay their park entry fee at the preferential rate of $6.75+tx.

Access is free for athletes on the Friday, Saturday and Sunday of the event.

Please note that dogs are not allowed at Domaine Saint-Bernard.

Thank you for your understanding, every dollar brought in by this event guarantees its survival and the improvement of the services offered.


Saturday, June 8


8:00 am: Site opening

8:00 am: Open practice bike and standard / sprint race (controlled access La Mennais 10 am to 12:30 pm)


Pre-race meeting 20 minutes before each start at Lac Raynaud beach for all events


10:00 am: Start of youth triathlon 14-15 years and discovery triathlon

10:05 am: Start of discovery duathlon

11:00 am : Supervised reconnaissance of the standard and sprint race course and mini race clinic

11:30am: Start youth triathlon 12-13 years

11:45am: Start youth triathlon 10-11 years and 8-9 years

12:00pm : Start youth triathlon 6-7 years

12:45: Mandatory pre-race meeting for standard and sprint triathlon and duathlon events

13:30: Introductory clinic on the basics of trail running and mountain biking

16:00: Closing of site

Sunday, June 9th

Sunday, June 9.

6:45am: Site opening and registration desk


Pre-race meeting 15 minutes before each start at Lac Raynaud beach for all events


8:00am : Start of the 20km trail

8:15am: Opening of the transition zone

8:30am: Start of the 10km trail

8:33am: Start of the 5km trail

8:35am: Start of the 3km trail

8:39 am: Start of trail 1 km

10:00 am: Start of standard triathlon elites and men 18-39 years

10:02 am: Start of standard triathlon men 40 years

10:04 am: Start of standard triathlon women and teams

10:05am: Start standard duathlon

12:00pm: Start men’s sprint triathlon

12:02am : Start sprint triathlon women and teams

12:05: Start sprint duathlon

16:00: Site closes

Registration office opening

At the Wheeler Pavilion


    • 2 to 6 p.m.


    • 6 a.m. to 4 p.m.


    • 6 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.


  • 6 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Race packets pick-up

Participant kits will include swimming helmet, bike plate, race bib and timing chip to attach to an ankle. Tie-wraps and pins will also be provided. The coupon for the participant’s meal, included with registration, will also be in the kit directly on your race number. Do not lose this coupon to qualify for the free meal.

You can pick up your participant kit up to 1 hour before your start on the day of your event. They will be available at the registration desk (Wheeler Pavilion).


All courses are available online.

Feed zones

Feed stations will be available on the bike and run courses. For the run courses, you’ll find a refreshment station every 3 to 4 km.

Main refreshments include water, XACT electrolytes, XACT energy, oranges, bananas, melons, soft bars, chips, nut mixes, pretzels.

The others are water and XACT electrolyte supplies with fruit or soft bars.

A finish refreshment area will also be offered to participants with everything found on the courses and a few treats to boot!

It’s very important to know that we don’t give out disposable glasses on the courses. You must be 100% self-sufficient to carry your containers for both the race and the bike. For the race, we recommend the use of Speed Cups, which can be purchased at most specialty running stores.

It will be possible to drop off personal refreshments (e.g. a water bottle) at the refreshment stations located near the start site. It is strictly forbidden to obtain assistance other than from the organization for your personal supplies outside this zone (permitted inside the zone).

The aid stations for which you can drop off a water bottle or obtain assistance are:

  • KM 15 of the 20 km trail
  • KM 5 of the 10 km trail
  • KM 5 of the 10 km race for the standard triathlon and duathlon

It will be possible for participants using their own provisions to dispose of their packaging in the garbage cans at the refreshment stations.

It will be STRICTLY FORBIDDEN to throw any packaging or garbage on the course outside these posts. Any participant who fails to comply with these rules will be automatically disqualified.

Time limit for completing segments

    • Time limits for completing a section ensure the safety of participants and the logistics of the event. The time limits are quite permissive and are rarely exceeded, except in cases of great difficulty.

      For the Discovery and 14-15 age group formats, the cut-off time for all events is 11.40am 

      For formats 6 to 13, the cut-off time for the completion of all events is 12.20 pm.

      In the Standard and Sprint formats, if a competitor exceeds the time limit, he/she will not be able to start the next segment, will be disqualified and must hand in his/her timing chip.

      However, a Standard format competitor who is out of time but wishes to continue his event may, with the authorisation of the race director, continue on the Sprint courses. He would then have to remove his chip and would of course be disqualified from the ranking, but could continue his event without an official time and with a DSQ ranking.

      Standard Triathlon and Duathlon

        • Swimming (Triathlon) cut-off time: 11:00 am.
        • Cut-off time for cycling (Triathlon/Duathlon) 14.15 hrs
        • Deadline to finish your race (Triathlon/Duathlon) 15:45 hrs.

      We may terminate a participant’s competition at any time, even if they are within the time limit, if we consider that their safety is at risk.

      We ask you to tell us if you feel uncomfortable, to listen and to respect your own limits.

      Triathlon and short duathlon (sprint)

        • Cut-off time for swimming (triathlon): 12.30pm
        • Deadline for cycling (triathlon/duathlon): 14:30 hrs.
        • Deadline to finish your race (Triathlon/Duathlon) 15:45 hrs.

      We may terminate a participant’s competition at any time, even if they are within the time limit, if we consider that their safety is at risk.

      We ask you to tell us if you feel uncomfortable, to listen and to respect your own limits.


Withdrawal during the race

You must report any abandonment to the organization before leaving the site.

Be sure to inform a responsible person, not just a volunteer who may not have communication with us.


First aid

The XTERRA Tremblant organization takes the health of its participants to heart. You can count on the expertise of our team of first-aid trained volunteers to ensure your safety during the event.

To avoid injury during the event, here are a few tips to follow:

    • Contrary to a road triathlon, the technical level of the bike course in a cross triathlon doesn’t allow you to let go of the handlebars at any time. It’s best to plan to feed when you make your transitions or wait for a rolling portion to eat or drink.
    • Be patient when overtaking on the bike course. Avoid rushing them into areas not conducive to them. This can result in a fall and ruin your triathlon and that of another competitor.
    • Be aware that the level of technical skill varies from person to person. Politely ask for passage, giving preference to the left side of the track whenever possible. If someone asks you to pass, slow down or stop, clearing the track on the requested side without endangering yourself.
    • In the days leading up to your event, take the time to scout the course. You’ll be able to recognize the more technical areas and know how to approach them safely!

If any discomfort or injury occurs to you or any other participant:

    • Rapidly alert the first volunteer/first-aid personnel you see or an athlete near you so they can notify medical personnel of your condition. If he or she must stay with you, send another athlete to inform the organization so that first aid can come and attend to you.
    • Place yourself in a safe zone as much as possible to avoid causing a collision.
    • Depending on your condition, medical staff will make sure you are taken care of and escorted back to the medical tent.

IMPORTANT: Each participant has a duty to come to the aid of another participant whose health or safety is threatened. Stay on site with the victim or make sure someone can stay by his or her side. Ask for help and notify as quickly as possible a member of the organization, either a patroller, a member of the medical team, a signaller or volunteer at the refreshment station.

Safety on the water will be provided by Karen Sampson’s team of lifeguards.

Enjoy the race and have fun!

The medical team

XTERRA Tremblant

important information

The pre-race briefing is strongly recommended. The information covered during this briefing is considered essential to your participation. Any other general information that does not have a direct impact on safety or the smooth running of your event is presented in this document. Please read all sections carefully before arriving at the site. Enjoy your reading and arrive at the briefing ready to ask your questions.

Bicycle overtaking procedure

It is strongly recommended to ride on the right side of the trails at all times and to always carry out your overtaking on the left.

    • When you want to make an overtake, announce your intention to the rider in front of you and ask for the way by saying “On the left”
    • When a faster rider asks you to pass, you are obliged to squeeze to the right as soon as possible to let him pass
    • .

    • Always execute your maneuvers safely for yourself and the other participant.
    • The golden rule: be courteous and polite, you’re not in the running to win the Tour de France 😉

Overtaking procedure on foot

Ask for the right of way or give way in a courteous and safe manner. The instructions for overtaking on bicycles can very well apply on foot too.

Training on the courses

The bike and run courses for the standard and sprint triathlon and duathlon are now marked and accessible.

To reconnoiter the courses, you can come to the Domaine St-Bernard gatehouse every day between now and August 28 and take advantage of the facilities. The cost of admission is $5 per day, and you can use the course maps on the event website indicating certain points to look out for during your initial reconnaissance.

Course maps are available from the event website.

Bike mechanic

Our friends at Giant Mont-Tremblant will be on hand for all your pre-race mechanical needs.



The timing will be done by Sportstats. You will have a reusable chip on a velcro strap. Make sure you wear your chip on your ankle (right or left). The chip is to be collected on the morning of your event only. It must be returned at the finish.

Results will be live on www.sportstats.ca.



It is possible to rent a wetsuit by contacting Natation Plus at 450 904-0659 or by visiting them at:

> 2245, chemin du Village, Mont-Tremblant, QC J8E 1E9

Lien Google Maps


Bikes can be rented by contacting Giant Mont-Tremblant or by visiting them at:

> 860 Rue Coupal, Mont-Tremblant, QC J8E 2P1

Lien Google Maps


The weekend is overloaded with beautiful events like ours and that means volunteers are more divided this year. We are still short of a few volunteers to complete our team. If you ever have any companions who are interested in helping out during the weekend, even if only for a few hours, we’d be very grateful.

If you’d like to help out or have a companion who can, it’s simple: fill in our form here.

Your friend, spouse is taking part? Why not become a volunteer and contribute to the event’s success!


Photographers will be on hand to capture you in the action. Photos will be published on our Facebook page after the event.


We’d like to thank you for your participation and hope you’ll have a great weekend with us.

Thank you to all our volunteers and spectators who came to cheer on friends, athletes and our youngsters during the event.

We mustn’t forget our partners who contribute to the success of this event! Please thank them when you come across them!

We’re always keen to hear your comments and suggestions. Don’t hesitate to write us if you need to.

Good XTERRA Tremblant!!!

Thank you to our partners

Host site


Public partner