
2024 Courses

Course description

Triathlon - Open water swimming

The triathlon formats begin with the open-water swim, starting at the Lac Bromont beach in a superb setting. The course will be triangular in shape, and the start will be in the lake.

Triathlon starts will combine participants from the mountain bike and gravel bike formats, for the Standard and Sprint distances respectively. They will all be together for the swim, the T1 transition and the first 700m of cycling, where their courses will separate until the T2 transition, where they will meet again on the same race course.

The triangular course for the Standard format will consist of 2 loops of 750m of swimming. After the 1st loop, athletes will exit the water for a short run of approximately 30m and then re-enter the water to complete a 2nd loop for a total of 1500m of swimming.

For the Sprint format, the triangular course will be reduced to 375m and 2 loops will be completed. After the 1st loop, athletes will exit the water for a short run of approximately 30m, then re-enter the water to complete a 2nd loop for a total of 750m of swimming.

The course for the Discovery format will be identical to that of the Sprint format, but only 1 loop will be completed for a distance of 375m of swimming without exiting the water during

the course.

Duathlon - First run

The Duathlons will start with the first race-1, which will take place on the beach of Lac Bromont in a superb setting.

The duathlon starts will combine participants from the mountain bike and gravel bike formats, for the Standard and Sprint distances respectively. They’ll all be together for race-1, transition T1, and the bike courses will separate as soon as they leave the T1 transition area until they return to transition T2, where they’ll meet up again on the same race-2 course, with the triathletes as well.

The Standard format race-1 course will be run mostly on wide trails to the transition area at the Olympic Equestrian Park, where their bike course will start.

The Sprint format race-1 course will be run mostly on a wide gravel roadside shoulder to the transition area at the Olympic Equestrian Park, where their bike course will start


Mountain biking

The mountain bike course will present an intermediate technical level with a good positive elevation change challenge, each loop of 15km includes approximately 500m of positive elevation change.

Starting from Le Lac, the first 2 km will be asphalted before reaching the trail network. From there, a loop will be made up of around 60% single-track and 40% wide trails. The first half of the course, mainly uphill, leads to the summit of Pic du Chevreuil at km-8, followed by an exhilarating descent to the main site of the Olympic Equestrian Park (OEP).

The Standard format will pass the PÉO for the 1st time and continue on trail C1 to complete a 2nd identical loop for a total distance of 30 km with 1000m D+.

The Sprint format will stop at the PÉO after a single loop for a distance of 15km with 525m D+.

The Discovery format route will be identical up to km-6, but will not include the single-track ascent to the summit. Instead, it will continue up Missisquoi Road to the wide trail from the link to BME, then on to Dunlavey Street, and finally onto C1 trail at km-8.5 to complete the same finish as the other formats. The total distance is 10km, with almost 300m D+.

Gravel bike

The gravel bike course will follow the region’s most beautiful roads, renowned for their bucolic scenery and among the finest gravel roads in Quebec. For these competition formats, it will be possible to use the bike best suited to gravel and dirt roads: gravel bike, cyclocross, mountain bike or hybrid bike (road bike and aero bars forbidden). Each loop of the course will be 30km long, with a positive vertical drop of around 600m.

Starting from Le Lac, the first 2km will be asphalted before reaching the gravel road network. From there, the next 28km will be entirely on gravel roads, except for a few sections of wide, non-technical trails totalling 1.5km per loop.

The route is all valleys, climbs and descents, reaching a summit at km-10 on Rogers Road, then another summit with a magnificent view at km-16 on Iron Hill Road. After climbing the Val-des-Irlandais to reach the highest point of the course at km-26, it will descend again and take the wide, non-technical C1 trail with mountain bikes to complete the final 1.5 km to the main site of the Olympic Equestrian Park. The 1st passage opposite the OEP will be the start of the 2nd loop of the Standard format, or the end of this segment for the T2 transition.

The Sprint format will end at the 1st passage at the OEP after 1 single loop of the course for a distance of 30km and approximately 600m D+.

The Standard format will then start its 2nd loop, the next 5km being different from the 1st loop as there will be no passage in front of the beach. The route will continue on Gaspé Road (paved descent) and Miltimore Road (gravel) to reach Sanborn Road and return to the regular route. The total distance will be 60km with approximately 1200m D+.

For the Standard and Sprint duathlons, the start of the bike will be different, as it will be from the transition zone at the Olympic Equestrian Park. The first 5km will take place on Gaspé Road (asphalt descent) and Miltimore Road (gravel), and will join the regular course on Sanborn Road after the 1st loop.

Trail running (Sunday triathlon and duathlon)

The 5.3 km loop trail run will take place in 2 special environments. Firstly, the start and finish of the course will take place on the grassy, undulating terrain of the Olympic Equestrian Park (OEP) in a vast setting with superb views of the peaks surrounding the site. The middle of the course will be on Oak Mountain trails, mostly single-track and technical, but with accessible gradients.

The first 1.6km on EOP terrain will lead to the Oak Mountain sector, where a 2.3km loop on technical trails will represent the main difficulties, but are accessible and motivating, before completing the last 1.4km on EOP terrain to reach the finish line.

The Standard format will complete 2 loops of the course. At the end of the 1st loop as you approach the finish line, a specific corridor to start the2nd loop will lead close to the finish area for spectator encouragement and refreshments, before starting the2nd loop identical to the 1st loop for a total of 10.6km with 260m D+.

The Sprint format will run 1 loop of the course for a distance of 5.3km with 130m D+, while

the Discovery format will run 1 loop of the course excluding the Mount Oak sector for a distance of 3km with 80m D+.

Trail running (single event on Saturday)

All trail running distance formats will have as their first 5 km the official race course of the XTERRA triathlons and duathlons taking place on Sunday. This loop is 5.3 km long, with a vertical drop of around 125m. The first 1.7 km and last 1.5 km pass over the grassy, rolling terrain of the Olympic Equestrian Park (OEP), with superb views of the surrounding mountains. The middle 2km of the course will take place in the Mount Oak sector, on technical single-track trails with accessible elevation changes.

The return to the main EOP site will be the finish of the 5km, while the rest of the 20km and 10km formats will continue in the Parc des Sommets mountain sector.

The next km will be spent on a wide, low-tech trail (C1) to refuel for the rest of the race, followed by 1 km of technical climbing over a distance of 400m and a link leading to the separation of the 20km and 10km courses.

From here, the 10km course continues with a technical section of around 300m, followed by 3km on wide, less-technical trails (C1) for the return to the finish at the PÉO.

For the 20km format, from km-7.5 and for the following 10km, the course takes place on mostly single-track, technical mountain trails. After a climb to mid-mountain and a descent to another slope, the famous Aninja climb leads to the summit of Pic Chevreuil and its panoramic views. This is followed by descents and ascents to mid-mountain to reach the summits of Mont Horizon and Mont Bernard, with other spectacular viewpoints. From the summit, a magnificent 2 km technical descent takes advantage of gravity to return to the base of the mountain and join the last 3 km back to the OEP and the finish line.

The 1 km children’s race course will take place on the OEP’s grassy grounds, where spectators will have a view at all times of their young runners’ performances. The course is accessible to all, and the aim is to have fun and encourage physical activity for the whole family.

Standard Triathlon


Distance : 1500 m
2 x 750 m


Distance : 30 km


Distance : 60 km


Distance : 10 km

Duathlon standard


Distance : 3 km


Distance : 30 km


Distance : 60 km


Distance : 10 km

Triathlon moyen (sprint)


Distance : 750 m
2 x 375 m


Distance : 15 km


Distance : 30 km


Distance : 5 km

Duathlon moyen (sprint)


Distance : 2 km


Distance : 15 km


Distance : 30 km


Distance : 5 km

Short triathlon (discovery) and 14-19 year-olds


Distance : 375 m


Distance : 10 km


Distance : 3 km

Duathlon des jeunes

14-15 & 12-13 y.o.


Distance : 500 m

Distance : 5 km


Distance : 2 km

10-11 ans


Distance : 300 m
D+ : 0 m


Distance : 3 km
D+ : 5 m


Distance : 1,5 km
D+ : 11 m

8-9 ans


Distance : 200 m
D+ : 0 m


Distance : 2 km
D+ : 1 m


Distance : 1 km
D+ : 7 m

6-7 ans


Distance : 100 m
D+ : 0 m


Distance : 1 km
D+ : 0 m


Distance : 500 m
D+ : 0 m

La Série Québec de XTERRA est une série de courses de cross triathlon qui consiste à enchaîner une épreuve de natation en eau libre, une épreuve de vélo de montagne et une épreuve de course en sentier.


XTERRA Tremblant


XTERRA Bromont


C’est quoi un XTERRA ?



XTERRA Série Québec | ©2024. Tous droits réservés. Réalisation Mordicus.