Athlete’s Guide
XTERRA Québec 2024
Thank you for taking part in the tenth edition of XTERRA Québec. Second stop of the XTERRA Quebec Series after XTERRA Tremblant, and first historic stop of the XTERRA World Cup in Canada!
Our program is once again very diverse this year. We invite all participants to come and train on the courses and watch the brand new and spectacular Short Track event taking place on Friday July 12 at noon for women and 2pm for men. It features elite athletes on a short, technical loop for the bike portion. Don’t miss it.
If you’ve got kids, bring them along and sign them up for the 1 km event, which will give them a fun and friendly run. It takes place at 4:45 p.m.
Later in the evening, still on Friday, we’ll be kicking off our famous night events: Swimrun, presented by Pagaie Québec, and Trail run, presented by Tout.trail, with even greater participation this year.
On Saturday morning, we make way for youngsters and adults wishing to try their hand at the cross-triathlon or cross-duathlon discipline.
Finally, don’t miss the main events on Sunday, which will round off this 2024 edition of XTERRA Québec in style.
This year’s event allows participants to qualify for 4 World Championships:
- XTERRA Triathlon World Championship | Trentino, IT 26-09-2024
- XTERRA Trail World Championship | Maine, USA 08-31-2024
- World cross-triathlon championship 2025*
- World Cross-Duathlon Championships 2025*
IMPORTANT: For any participant interested in qualifying for a World Championship, you must quickly consult the WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP QUALIFICATION section further down in the guide.
The XTERRA Quebec Series includes XTERRA Tremblant, XTERRA Quebec and XTERRA Bromont. All events in the series are also World Championship qualifiers.
Special thanks to our host partners: Empire47, Manoir du Lac Delage, Ville de Lac-Delage and its citizens. Thanks also to our presenting partners: La Boutique du Lac, Sailfish, Tout.Trail, Pagaie Québec and Québec Vélo de montagne. Thanks also to Destination Québec Cité and the MRC de la Jacques-Cartier for their financial support, and to Maxi, Boréale, Odlo, PCN, Sportstats and Apogée for their product contributions.
Finally, thanks to all our other partners and to our invaluable and dedicated volunteers and collaborators.
Welcome and enjoy the event!
The organizing committee
We invite all participants to attend or listen to their respective pre-race meetings. Here is the schedule for the various meetings:
Wednesday, July 10
Events | Location |
17:30 Trail and Swimrun Youth and Discovery |
Facebook live XTERRA Québec Series |
Friday, July 12
Events | Location |
11:00 Short Track |
Manoir du Lac Delage |
17:15 Trail 40 km* |
Manoir du Lac Delage |
18:30 Swimrun 4 loops* |
Manoir du Lac Delage |
19:35 Trail, swimrun and free swim |
Lac Delage Manor |
Saturday, July 13th
Events | Location |
7:40 Youth 14-15 and discovery |
Manoir du Lac Delage |
8:00 Youth 12-13 |
Manoir du Lac Delage |
9:00 Youth 10-11 years |
Lac Delage Manor |
9:30 Youth 8-9 years |
Manoir du Lac Delage |
9:45 Youth 6-7 years |
Manoir du Lac Delage |
15:00 Elites + standard + sprint |
Manoir du Lac Delage and broadcast on Facebook live Série XTERRA Québec |
*Participation or watching (live or recorded on Facebook) to the pre-race meeting for trail, swimrun, triathlon and standard and sprint duathlon events is mandatory. There will be a very brief pre-race meeting 15 minutes before the start of each event, but there will be no detailed information or question period. For participants in the Sunday events, we strongly recommend that you attend the on-site meeting at the Manoir on Saturday and take the opportunity to practice on the course.
**We will take a little more time before the start for the discovery and youth events, but we strongly recommend that the uninitiated take part in one of our clinics over the weekend.
IMPORTANT: It is compulsory for ALL participants, without exception, to pay for all daily access to the Empire 47 site outside the time of the competition. You must pass through the Empire 47 reception desk each time you visit the site. Please respect our partner Empire 47, who invests heavily in trail development in order to offer you the best XTERRA courses. No access without payment will be tolerated.
For all Sunday events, we strongly recommend that you do a course reconnaissance beforehand, especially for the following bike trails:
- La Kerozen
- La Shaman
- La Pada One
The Kerozen is a 500-meter “old school” section and a nod to our pioneering builders. One of the few remnants of our early days. This trail was hand-built 10 years ago (2013-2014) to host the very first XTERRA Québec. It is an intermediate trail with some rock and root sections.
The other 2 are also intermediate trails, but some sections can surprise you at high speed. If you do your reconnaissance beforehand and respect your limits, these are superb descents with plenty of flow.
The courses for the standard and sprint triathlon and duathlon events have already been marked. The Short Track course will be marked from Wednesday, July 10.
For the other events (Trail, Swimrun, Youth and Discovery), the courses will not be marked before your event. If you wish to mark out your course beforehand for these events, you will need the Trail Fork map or GPX route to guide you.
Bike course training: Anytime during Empire 47 business hours.
Training on the running course: Anytime during Empire 47 opening hours. Please note that most of the running course for training will be shared with bikes (used by the center). Please be vigilant, courteous and cautious. Give cyclists the right of way when training.
XTERRA triathlon and XTERRA trail world championships
Winners in their category for the standard triathlon and XTERRA trail 20 km formats have the opportunity to earn a place at the XTERRA 2024 World Championships.
Each first-place finisher in each XTERRA Québec age group category will receive a certificate. If you don’t win your event, you may be invited by e-mail in the weeks following the event. Some qualifying spots will be awarded by a “roll down”.
World Triathlon Multisport Championships
All participants in Standard cross-triathlon or cross-duathlon events also have the opportunity to qualify for the World Triathlon 2025 Multisport World Championships. There is one qualification spot per five-year age category (age on December 31, 2025).
If you are interested in qualifying , please register your interest via the following link. You must also be a member of your provincial federation prior to the event.
Here is the information provided by Triathlon Canada regarding this process:
An Expression of Interest is the mechanism by which athletes confirm their intent to compete and accept a spot at the Age Group World Championships if they qualify. By expressing their intention, results can be filtered down to a final list of athletes wishing to compete at the World Championships, and places can be awarded by a “roll down”. The application will open 3 weeks before each race and close the day before the event.
All athletes wishing to compete for a place must submit a declaration of interest before each qualifying event. An online page will be available for each event and discipline.
There will be a $20 fee to complete the Expression of Interest to encourage only serious athletes to apply for a spot. The $20 will be considered a deposit for those who are successful in securing a spot, and will be deducted from their race entry fee. The $20 fee will not be refunded to athletes who do not secure a spot, but can be applied to a charity registration.
Finally, EOI links are active only 3 weeks prior to the race date, and close the night before the race.
For additional information from Triathlon Canada, please click here.
For additional information from Triathlon Québec, please click here.
Online registration closes at midnight on Thursday, July 11. It will be possible to register on site no later than 90 minutes before the start time for triathlon and duathlon events, and 1h before the start time for trail and swimrun events.
Registration office opening hours at the Salle des Huards, Manoir du Lac Delage:
- Friday, July 12, from 12:00 to 20:00
- Saturday, July 13, 6:30 to 17:00
- Sunday July 14th from 6:15 to 9:30
How to get there
Manoir du Lac Delage
40, avenue du Lac, Lac-Delage, QC G3C 5C4
(Google maps link)
Parking information
You have 2 options for parking on the site;
Option P1 : If you wish to park directly on the site, you must first pay the $21 fee (taxes included) to gain access. Payment for parking at P1 must be made online no later than July 14, to avoid delays in arriving at the site and preparing for your departure. Access to P1 is limited.
If you haven’t paid for your P1 access, you can still do so by sending an Interac transfer:
- Transfer $21 to e-mail address: [email protected]
- Safety question to ask: For which event
- Security answer (in capital letters): XTERRA
- Information to put in the notes: P1 parking
Option P2 : P2 parking is free but located 1.5 km from the site, please allow for this in your arrival schedule.
There’s a shortened path connecting Chemin de la Grande Ligne and Avenue des Monts.
You can use a landing stage at P1, and we encourage car pooling.
*It is important to pay for access to the trails to train outside your competition. You must pass through the reception desk at Empire 47.
Open practice (bike and run) - Access fee | $
Please note that most of the training run course will be shared with bikes (used by the center). Please be vigilant, courteous and cautious. Give cyclists the right of way when training.
Youth Camp | Day 1
Open practice (bike and run) - Access fee | $
Please note that most of the training run course will be shared with bikes (used by the center). Please be vigilant, courteous and cautious. Give cyclists the right of way when training.
Youth Camp | Day 2
Open practice (bike and run) - Access fee | $
Please note that most of the training run course will be shared with bikes (used by the center). Please be vigilant, courteous and cautious. Give cyclists the right of way when training.
Youth Camp | Day 3
Pre-race meeting for Swimrun, Trail run (Friday events) and Youth and Discovery Triathlon (Saturday events) on Facebook live.
Open practice (bike and run) - Access fee | $
Please note that most of the training run course will be shared with bikes (used by the center). Please be vigilant, courteous and cautious. Give cyclists the right of way when training.
Youth Camp | Day 4
13:00 to 20:00
Access to the lake for open water swimming
Mountain bike clinic
Open water swimming clinic and introduction to triathlon basics
19:15 pm
Trail running clinic
Open practice (bike and trail run) Please note that most of the training run course will be shared with bikes (used by the center). Please be vigilant, courteous and cautious. Give priority to cyclists when training.
Youth Camp | Day 5
Access to the lake for open swimming practice according to the following schedule :
- 10:00 to 11:45: open (no access between 11:45 and 13:00)
- 12:30 to 13:45: open (no access between 13:45 and 14:30)
- 14:30 to 16:00: free (no access between 16:00 and 17:10)
- 17:10 to 23:00: $ evening/night swim registration (pre-registration required at the Salle des Huard)
Pre-race meeting for elites (Short Track)
Noon to 20:00
Registration desk opens for all.
Women's Short Track start and race
Men's Short Track start and race
16:00 to 20:30
Welcome for participants in night races night
Start and 1km children's race
Start of open water swim (free for XTERRA Québec participants and Lac Delage residents or $10 to $15 per person if not registered). Pair swim mandatory between 8:30 p.m. and midnight | Manoir du Lac Delage
Pre-race meeting for trail 40 km
Start of Trail 40 km (solo or relay duo, trio or quartet) | Manoir du Lac Delage
Swimrun 4 loops pre-race meeting | Manoir du Lac Delage
Swimrun 4 loops trail start and event
Trail pre-race meeting, swimrun and freestyle swimming | Manoir du Lac Delage
Start and events for trail 20, 10 and 5 km and Swimrun 1 to 3 loops
Closing of access to swim loop
Closing of access to run loop
Deadline for completion of event (arrival of all runners)
. Relay zone and refreshments at the end of each running and swimming loop
. Cut-off time for starting a running loop: 23:15
. Deadline for starting a swim loop: 23:00
. Swim portions must be swum in pairs at all times
. Each swimmer must use a swimming buoy and a light or glow stick
. Sections of the race can be run solo or with several teammates
. Each race loop must be run with :
- Headlamp
- Cell phone
- Whistle
- Windbreaker with hood
- Survival blanket
. The chip must always be handed over to a teammate in the transition zone (swim to run and run to swim)
. Minimum age on December 31, 2024 :
- 18 for the duo adventure swimrun
- 16 for swimrun adventure trio
- 14 for swimrun adventure quartet
- 1 responsible adult for each team at all times on site
**Rules for solo or team trail run events (20 km or more or 2 loops or more)
. Return to main site, relay zone and animated super refreshments every 5 km
. Deadline for starting a race loop: 23:15
. For team events, the portions of the race can be run solo or with several team members
. Each race loop must be run with :
- Headlamp
- Cell phone
- Whistle
- Windbreaker with hood
- Survival blanket
. The chip must always be handed over to a teammate in the relay zone
. Minimum age on December 31, 2024 :
- 14 years old
- 1 responsible adult required for each team at all times on site
*** Rules for untimed open water swimming. Open water swimming is untimed
. Swim starts can take place at any time between 17:10 and 23:45
. Swim portions must be swum in pairs at all times
. Each pair must have a chip (on 1 of the 2 partners) and must start their swim from the transition zone
. Each swimmer must use a swimming buoy and a light or glow stick
. You make as many loops as you like

6:30 to 17:00
Registration desk opens for everyone
6:30 to 17:00
Opening of transition zone access
10:30 to 19:00
Free practice (bike and trail run)
Please note that most of the training run course will be shared with bikes (used by the center). Please be vigilant, courteous and cautious. Give cyclists the right of way when training.
Open water swimming clinic and introduction to the basics of triathlon
Mountain bike clinic
Trail running clinic
Pre-race meeting standard + elite triathlon
20 minutes before each start
Pre-race meeting | Manoir du Lac Delage
Triathlon and duathlon discovery and youth 14-15 years old
Triathlon 12-13 years
Triathlon 10-11 years
9:45 Triathlon 8-9 years
Triathlon 6-7 years
6.15 to 9.30
Opening of the registration desk for everyone
6:15 to 16:00
Opening of the transition area
Deadline for participants in standard events to arrive on site. Allow at least 20 minutes extra if you park at P2.
Deadline for sprint participants to arrive on site. Allow a minimum of 20 minutes extra if you park at P2.
Arrival of the first elites (standard triathlon) | Manoir du Lac Delage
Lunch service | Manoir du Lac Delage
Standard podium (elites, teams and age groups under 40) | Manoir du Lac Delage
Podium sprint (teams and age groups under 40) and standard (40 to 54) | Manoir du Lac Delage
Podium sprint (40+), standard (55+) | Manoir du Lac Delage
Race end time for all participants. Empire 47 open to customers.
Deadline to pick up all equipment in the transition area. End of the XTERRA Québec 2024.
20 minutes before each start
Pre-race meeting | Manoir du Lac Delage
Elite standard triathlon
Standard triathlon men age groups
Standard triathlon women age groups + teams
Standard duathlon
Triathlon sprint men age groups
Women's sprint triathlon age groups + teams
Duathlon sprint
At Manoir du Lac Delage
Race kits will include swim caps, bike plate, race bib and timing chip to be attached to an ankle. Tie-wraps and pins will also be provided. Coupons for the participant’s meal and free BORÉALE beer, included with registration for participants in Sunday’s events, will also be found in the kit directly on your bib. Don’t lose these coupons to qualify for the free meal and beer, otherwise you’ll have to pay for your meal like all accompanying persons and spectators. All participants will also receive a gift.
It is possible to collect your race kit up to 1 hour before your start on the day of your event. Your race number will be given to you when you arrive at the Manoir.
- Noon to 20:00
- 6:30 to 9:00
- 6:00 to 9:00
Storm policy
Triathlon Québec’s rule book states that if lightning approaches the competition area within a 13 km radius, the race must be suspended. Thirty minutes after the last thunderclap, activities can resume. Since we’re only talking about a risk of scattered thunderstorms or a low risk of isolated thunderstorms during the day, all activities are maintained. In the event of a thunderstorm, Triathlon Québec rules will be applied for everyone’s safety.
Should the situation persist, other measures could be applied, such as replacing the swim with a run (converting the triathlon to a duathlon or the swimrun to a simple trail), modifying the course or shortening the race. These options are not being considered at present.
In the event of cancellation of the event (unlikely according to the forecasts at the time of writing), our policy will be applied and a communication of your compensation options will be sent to you in the following days.
Wearing a wetsuit
Please refer to the relevant section of this guide for information on wearing a wetsuit. Please note that we anticipate that wetsuits may be permitted but not mandatory, but with unstable weather conditions, we ask that you plan for all eventualities, including the obligation to wear a wetsuit (unlikely but possible).
Despite the rain, it’s possible that you’ll have to deal with extreme heat. Be vigilant, measure your efforts carefully and, above all, plan to stay hydrated.
Sporting events held outdoors carry the risk of having to adapt to the weather. In most situations, including those currently forecast, it’s a question of being well prepared (rain or heat) and preserving the pleasure of taking part in great events. In extreme situations, we’ll keep you safe.
Thanks to our partner Empire 47 for creating trails that are perfectly suited to the XTERRA and well designed and drained enough to withstand rain and an event like ours that puts a lot of pressure on the network. Be sure to thank any member of the maintenance team you pass along the way.
Flags will be placed at strategic points to inform you if a particular situation arises and requires us to inform you.

No critical situations detected.

The situation is being closely monitored and could change during the event.

The situation is being seriously assessed at the moment. A decision by the organization may be imminent. If you continue, it’s at your own risk. You are aware that a dangerous situation can suddenly arise.

The situation is critical and the event is cancelled. Do not continue, follow the organization’s instructions.

For the 10th edition of XTERRA Québec and its entry on the World Cup circuit, we’ve prepared a magnificent bike course. Every year, we say we’re going to keep the same course as the previous year, but every time we improve it. The Empire 47 trails began to be built by hand by a small group of volunteers to host the very first XTERRA Quebec in 2014. We had struggled to create a 6 km loop that participants had to ride 5 times to reach the 30 km mark. Today, Empire 47 is a choice of over 75 km of trails dedicated to mountain biking and over 80 employees in high season, not to mention all the volunteers. Since the first shovels of dirt were turned in 2013, Empire 47, the birthplace of XTERRA Quebec, has become one of the largest mountain bike centers east of the American continent, and one of the busiest. The entire XTERRA Quebec team, in close collaboration with Empire 47, has made it its mission to develop a perfectly adapted center and one of the most beautiful XTERRA trails we could possibly create. Please let us know what you think about your experience with us. The standard XTERRA Québec 2024 bike course is 29.4 km long, including :
- 6.0 km of wide trails
- 11.0 singletracks with plenty of flow
- 6.0 of well-groomed climbs
- 5.0 of exhilarating descents
- 1.4 more technical sections
- 550 m total vertical drop
The XTERRA Québec 2024 sprint bike course is 14.7 km long, including :
- 3.0 km of wide trails
- 5.5 singletracks with plenty of flow
- 3.0 of well-groomed climbs
- 2.5 exhilarating descents
- 0.7 more technical sections
- 275 m total ascent
Here’s a section-by-section description of the trail we’re dedicating this year to our visionaries: Christian Déry and Catherine Roy, landowners and Empire 47 management team, and brothers Gabriel and Julien Marceau, who were the original builders, with Gabriel still in charge of trail development. Thank you for 10 years of collaboration.
Distance (km) | Description | |
Section | Total | Standard: 29.4 km and 550 m D + Sprint: 14.7 km and 275 m D + |
0,3 | 0,3 | Connection between the transition zone at Le Manoir and Empire 47 As soon as you leave the transition zone, the first 300 m of flat grass, asphalt and gravel allow you to strap on your shoes. Includes a safe street crossing. |
0,3 | 0,6 | Connection to the Évolution zone Get ready for a 300 m climb with 25 m D+ and a few more technical sections to warm up. |
0,8 | 1,4 | Zone Évolution and climb of la Grimace You then follow up with a fine 800 m of easy singletrack that gently descends and ascends for another 25 m of D+. |
0,5 | 1,9 | Kerozen This “old school” section is a nod to our pioneering builders. One of the few remnants of our early days. This trail was hand-built 10 years ago (2013-2014) to host the very first XTERRA Québec. Mainly downhill, but with a few small climbs, including one that will be the most technical section of the course over a very short distance (10 metres). Be prepared for a background of roots and rocks. You’ll need a little airplane gas in your legs to fly over the Kerozen. |
1,0 | 2,9 | Family and Huron A wide, easy and mostly flat trail. An ideal section for overtaking or admiring a partial view of the Jacques Cartier mountains. |
3,9 | 6,8 | Pètepisrépète and Grangallo A long section of easy, fast and superbly laid-out singletrack. The first 3.1 km is mainly flat or slightly uphill on a false flat (around 25 m D+ in total), before descending again on the last 800 m. It’s time to get out the steam horses in the Grangallo. |
2,1 | 8,9 | Apex This is the main climb of the route. It leads to summit 1 of the Empire 47 site at 345 m altitude. It’s a 125 m D+ climb over just over 2 km, and you don’t want to blow your legs off. Standard runners do it twice, sprinters once, and don’t forget that you have to run after it. A first aid station is located at km 8 (summit) . |
1,9 | 10.8 | Shaman Be careful on this exhilarating descent. Not because it’s difficult (rated intermediate), but because it’s easy to pick up speed between the many berms and wooden bridges. It’s one of Empire 47’s most popular trails, and a lot of fun! |
0,6 | 11,4 | Queue de Castor This superb descent ends in a small sandy but compact singletrack trail that passes over and alongside a small beaver dam river. |
0,6 | 12,0 | Minotaure A new, very flat singletrack trail. |
1,5 | 13,5 | Family and Pilot zone Wide, flat trail section with downhill false flat that takes us back to the main site and the start of the jumpline. Very fast and easy section except for a small technical section in the Pilot zone. |
0,8 | 14,3 | Pada-One (jumpline), passage through the pumptrack and connection in the skill zone Everything rolls very easily with 2 wheels on the ground, but at low speed. If you want to get a lot of speed in the Pada-One section, you need to be able to jump. More fun. |
0,4 | 14,7 | Back to transition zone for sprint format |
14,3 | 29,0 | Additional loop for standard format |
0,4 | 29,4 | Back to transition zone for standard format |
Aid stations
Aid stations will be available on the bike and run courses.
For both the run and bike portions, you must bring your own containers (water bottle, hydration vest, speed cup, etc.) and carry one with you at all times to refuel and limit waste (no disposable cups). If you received a “speed cup” type flexible glass when participating in one of our events, bring it with you. If you don’t have one, we’ll sell it for $15 (limited quantity).
Runners must bring this cup with them to their race segment and refill it themselves at their feed station. The flexible glass is easy to carry in one hand or in a pocket, and weighs practically nothing. We limit the number of cups handed out at the aid stations, in order to reduce waste.
For the bike portion, there will be an accessible table at km 14 for your own liquid supplies. For the race, there will also be an accession table for your own liquid supplies at km 5.5.
It will be possible for participants using their own refreshments to dispose of their packaging in the garbage cans at the refreshment posts. It will be strictly FORBIDDEN to dispose of packaging or any other waste on the course outside these posts. Participants who fail to comply with these rules will be automatically disqualified.
The position of refreshment points on the course will be distributed as follows:
- Standard bike: km 9 / 23
- Standard race: km 0.5 / 3 / 5.5 / 8 / finish
- Sprint bike: km 9
- Sprint race: km 0.5 / 3 / finish
- Discovery and 14-15 year olds bike: km 6
- Discovery and 14-15 year olds run: km 0.5 / 2 / finish
- Youth 12-13 years race: km 0.5 / finish
- Youngsters 8-11 years race: km 0.5 / finish
- 6-7 year olds race: finish
- Short Track: each loop / finish
- Swimrun and 5.5 km race: km 3 / 5.5 (and so on for each loop) / finish
- Trail run 10 km and more: km 3 / 5.5 / 8 / 10 (so on for each loop) / finish
Most aid stations include water, electrolytes, Pepsi, XACT products, oranges, bananas, melon, soft bars, nut mix, pretzels.
A finish refreshment area will be provided for participants, with everything found on the courses and a few treats to boot!
If you wish to set up a personal aid station on the course, you can do so only in the dedicated area near the main aid station (behind the Empire 47 reception) or at your place in the transition zone. Refuelling outside these zones is illegal, and offenders will be penalized.
Time limit for completing segments
Time limits for completing a segment ensure the safety of participants and the logistics of the event. If a participant exceeds the time limit, he or she will not be allowed to start the next segment, will be disqualified and will have to hand in his or her timing chip.
Time limits for Friday events:
- Trail 1 km for children: 5 p.m. to cross the finish line
- Short Sprint: male and female participants who are caught up by an extra lap
- All Swimrun events:
- 23:15 last access to the run course
- 23:00 last access to swim course
- 24:00 all participants have crossed the finish line
- All Trail run events:
- 23:15 last access to the race course, whether on the first or 2nd loop of the course
- 24:00 all participants have crossed the finish line
Deadlines for Saturday events:
- Discovery and youth events 12-13 and 14-15 :
- 9:10 deadline for the last bike loop
- 9:40 deadline for access to the race course
- 10-11 years: 10:00 cut-off time for access to the race course
- 6-9 year-old events: 10:15 cut-off time for access to race course
- All events: 10:30 all participants have passed the finish line
- Discovery and youth events 12-13 and 14-15 :
Deadlines for Sunday events:
- Standard events :
- 9.10: Deadline for bike start following swim (triathlon) or race 1 (duathlon)
- 11:40: Deadline for last bike loop (triathlon / duathlon)
- 14:30: Deadline for the last running loop (triathlon / duathlon)
- Deadline for race completion (triathlon / duathlon): 2:30 p.m.
- Sprint events :
- 10:20: Deadline for bike start following swim (triathlon) or race 1 (duathlon)
- 11:40: Deadline for last bike loop (triathlon / duathlon)
- 14:30: Deadline for the last running loop (triathlon / duathlon)
- 15:00: Deadline for race completion (triathlon / duathlon)
- 15:30: Deadline for collecting all equipment in the transition zone
- Standard events :
We can end a participant’s race at any time, even if he or she is within the time limit, if we judge that his or her safety is at stake.
We ask you to let us know if you feel uncomfortable, to listen and to respect your own limits.
Withdrawal during the race
You must report any withdrawal to the organization before leaving the site.
Be sure to inform someone from the organization, not just a volunteer who may not have communication with us.
First aid
The XTERRA Québec organization, in partnership with PCN, takes the health of its participants to heart. You can count on the expertise of our team of trained first-aid volunteers to ensure your safety during the event.
To avoid injuries during the event, here are a few tips to follow:
- Unlike a road triathlon, the technical level of the bike course in a cross triathlon doesn’t allow you to let go of the handlebars at any time. It’s best to plan to feed when you make your transitions or wait for a rolling section to eat or drink.
- Be patient when overtaking on the bike course. Avoid rushing them into areas not conducive to overtaking. This can lead to a fall and ruin your triathlon and that of another competitor.
- Be aware that the level of technical skill varies from person to person. Ask politely for the right of way, giving preference to the left side of the track whenever possible. If someone asks you to pass, slow down or stop, clearing the track on the requested side without endangering yourself.
- In the days leading up to your event, take the time to reconnoitre the course. You’ll be able to recognize the more technical areas and know how to tackle them safely!
If you or another participant becomes ill or injured :
- Quickly alert the first volunteer/first-aid personnel you see or an athlete near you so that they can notify medical personnel of your condition. If he or she must stay with you, send another athlete to inform the organization so that first aid can come and take care of you.
- Position yourself in the safe zone as far as possible to avoid causing a collision.
- Depending on your condition, medical staff will make sure you are taken care of and escorted back to the medical tent.
IMPORTANT: It is the duty of every participant to come to the aid of another participant whose health or safety is threatened. Stay at the victim’s side, or make sure someone else can stay at his or her side. Call for help and notify a member of the organization as soon as possible: a patroller, medical team member, flagman or supply volunteer.
Enjoy the race and have fun!
The medical team
Timing will be done by Sportstats. You will have a reusable chip on a Velcro strap. Make sure you wear your chip on your ankle (right or left). The chip is to be collected on the morning of your race only. It must be handed in at the finish.
Results will be posted live on
Empire 47 offers mountain bike rentals. Full details at Please contact them directly BY EMAIL ([email protected]) to make a reservation.
It will be possible to rent a wetsuit by contacting La Boutique du Lac.
As weather is always an uncertain factor for any outdoor event, it is very important to plan for any eventuality. Triathlon Québec’s technical delegate has full discretion to resolve any problems that may arise during the competition. In particular, he can modify the events and distances as he sees fit, while taking into account the safety of the athletes and the fairness of the competition.
Wetsuits are generally permitted but not mandatory at XTERRA Quebec. The heat of the last few days may mean that wetsuits are not permitted. In an unlikely but possible situation, wetsuits could become mandatory. In short, the current weather situation points us towards a wetsuit being permitted but not mandatory or not permitted, but still plan for all possibilities. The final decision is made by the Triathlon Québec official 1 hour before the start of the first event of the day. You can consult all the rules by clicking on this link.
Please note that you will not be allowed to start with a wetsuit if it is prohibited or without a wetsuit if it is mandatory. Should either of these situations arise, it will still be possible to change for a duathlon registration by notifying the registration table no later than 10 minutes after the wetsuit announcement.
In the event of rain, especially torrential rain, the organizing committee, in agreement with the managers of Empire 47, reserves the right to modify the courses if the safety of participants and the preservation of the trails are at stake.
The weekend is jam-packed with great events like ours, so volunteers are more divided this year. We still need a few volunteers to complete our team. If you have any companions who are interested in helping us out over the weekend, even if only for a few hours, we’d be very grateful.
If you’d like to help us, or have a companion who can, it’s simple: fill in our form here.
Is your friend or spouse taking part? Why not become a volunteer and contribute to the success of the event!
Photographers will be on hand to capture the action. Photos will be posted on our Facebook page after the event.
We’d like to thank you for your participation and hope you’ll have a great weekend with us.
Thank you to all our volunteers and to the spectators who came to cheer on friends, athletes and our youngsters during the event.
And let’s not forget our partners who contribute to the success of this event! Thank them when you see them!
We always welcome your comments and suggestions. Don’t hesitate to write to us.
Happy XTERRA Quebec!!!